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Rigol Oscilloscope Remote Control with LXI Bus

I have written a piece of code in Python for my oscilloscope Rigol DS1054Z. It allows me to read measured data in time domain, save them or convert them to frequency domain. For the communication with the oscilloscope I use LXI (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation) bus which uses Ethernet interface and therefore the communication with the device is very comfortable. I see the main advantage of this software mainly in saving my measured data as it is far more user-friendly in comparison with USB memory stick. Secondly, in my opinion, it is easier to read FFT data in my application than on the oscilloscope. I have used multi-threading so the application is fully responsive even though the application read and present the data continuously, the graphs are automatically centered based on the received data and of course, the axis labels change automatically as well. I hope I will have time to add more functions in the future. Take a look at the following pictures.

Screenshot 1: Settings - IP configuration

Screenshot 2: Main Frame, Time Domain

 Screenshot 3: Main Frame, Time Domain

Screenshot 4: Main Frame, Frequency Domain

Exported Data: Time Domain

Exported Data: Frequency Domain


Homemade Low-Pass Filter

I made this filter for one of my friend. Unfortunately, we were below time pressure so I couldn't tune the S11 parameters properly. On the other hand, the cutoff frequency was correct and I am very happy that it worked well for his application. Take a look at the following images.

If you design a similar filter, make sure that the legs of the capacitors are as short as possible. It will help you to get better performance.




Smith Chart - Examples


1) Normalized impedance, short circuit



2) Normalized impedance, open circuit


3) Zin = ?, Z_l = (200+j100) Ω , Z_0 = 50 Ω, l = 2m,  λ_tl = 10 m

Oscilloscope - XY mode - images

Sometimes you have to try something, although it is not really useful. :) I used my sound card, Matlab for the signal generation and an oscilloscope in XY mode.







