144 MHz, Yagi antennas 7el., 4x5el., 2x8el. - DK7ZB design

This is a short presentation of my antennas which I built in the past. All of them were designed by Martin DK7ZB. I like Martin's designs as the antennas are easy to build (simple radiator) and work very well. Take a look.

1) 7 element SSB/CW Yagi, boom 3.3m, 11dBd, 28 Ohm, radiator 12 mm, parasitic elements 10 mm

7el. yagi

2) 4x5 element Yagi (Boom 2m, 28 Ohm, radiator, parasitic elements 10 mm, 9dBd) + power splitter, stacking distance 2 m


2) 2x8 element Yagi (Boom 4.35 m, 28 Ohm, radiator 12 mm, parasitic elements 10 mm, 12dBd)  + power splitter, stacking distance 3.2 m

Operation in a contest

Detail of the construction